ajile Properties & Data Types

The following are the properties and data types ajile provides:
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Ajile.USE_NAME The Ajile.USE_NAME property is provided for use with the Import and ImportAs directives. When used it instructs ajile to load the requested module using dot-notation style file naming. DEPRECATED: Instead, use a quoted character to indicate the packaging style (i.e. ".", "/", "-", "_", "'", etc.) Syntax: Ajile.USE_NAME Examples: Import ("com.mysite.ImportTest", null, "."); The Import statement instructs ajile to import the ImportTest module from <modules-location>/com.mysite.ImportTest.js where <modules-location> represents the location for the com.mysite namespace or the Ajile namespace if the com.mysite namespace has not already been defined. See: - Ajile.USE_PATH - Import - ImportAs Back to Top or Documentation

Ajile.USE_PATH: The Ajile.USE_PATH property is provided for use with the Import and ImportAs directives. When used it instructs ajile to load the requested module using directory style naming. DEPRECATED: Instead, use a quoted character to indicate the packaging style (i.e. ".", "/", "-", "_", "'", etc.) Syntax: Ajile.USE_PATH Examples: Import ("com.mysite.ImportTest", null, "/"); The Import statement instructs ajile to import the ImportTest module from <modules-location>/com/mysite/ImportTest.js where <modules-location> represents the location for the com.mysite namespace, or the Ajile namespace if com.mysite has not already been defined. See: - Ajile.USE_NAME - Import - ImportAs Back to Top or Documentation

NamespaceException: The NamespaceException is an ajile specific exception type used to indicate that a namespace error has occured. This exception is thrown by the Import and ImportAs directives when an invalid namespace is specified. NamespaceException can be created, caught, and thrown. DEPRECATED: This type is no longer used. Syntax: NamespaceException Constructor: NamespaceException(namespace) Public API: NamespaceException.name // The exception's fully-qualified name. NamespaceException.message // The exception's message. Examples: The following statement: throw new NamespaceException("com.mysite.NonExistentNamespace"); creates and throws a NamespaceException for the com.mysite.NonExistentNamespace namespace. See: - Import - ImportAs Back to Top or Documentation