Download Ajile 0.9 here!This release includes the following changes:
- New: Supports all Firefox, IE 4.01+, and Netscape 6.0.1+ browsers.
- New: Ajile.Unload([ns|module]) for namespace & module unloading.
- New: Now uses jsUnit as testing framework.
- New: Debug log integration with Firebug, MochiKit, & YUI loggers.
- Improved: Full API backwards compatibility to JSPackaging 1.0 using legacy option.
- Improved: Stronger defense against external Object.prototype changes.
- Improved: Simplified examples & updated Examples page with unobtrusive scripting.
- Improved: Compressed using custom_rhino.jar.
- Improved: Discontinued packer use; broke working code & incompatible with IE 4 & 5.
See the
About section at and play with the
Demos for a better understanding of the improvements in this release.
Download Ajile 0.9 here! Labels: 0.9, browser, cloak, compress, defend, docs, import, legacy, log, stability